Essential Services Every Australian Homeowner Needs

Managing a family-size home is no easy thing; there are so many systems and networks that could malfunction and with that in mind, we decided to compile a list of essential services that every property owner needs.

  • Electrician – Unless you happen to be a certified electrician, we recommend calling in a tradesman should you experience any power issues. Google can take you to the website of a local electrical contractor and make a note of their 24-hour emergency number for future reference. 
  • Window cleaner – Your local window cleaner has many feathers in his cap; solar panel cleaning, for example, will boost the amount of electricity generated. Have the exterior and interior surfaces of the windows cleaned on a monthly basis and your view will be clear.
  • Plumber – Anything to do with water requires a certified plumber; whether a burst water pipe, a leaking faucet or a blocked drain. Google can help you compare costs and when you find the right provider, record their number in your smartphone. If, for example, your water usage is a lot higher than normal, you probably have a leak and a plumber has the equipment to pinpoint a leak, no matter where it is.
  • Roofing contractor – Let’s hope you never need to call out a roofer, but if you do, an online search will reveal a list of local companies and you can compare prices. It makes sense to have the roof inspected every 6 months and the roofer issues you with a detailed report on every aspect of the roof.
  • Small builder – There are many jobs a small builder can handle; from cleaning out the guttering to patching up exterior brickwork, a local builder is an important ally for every property owner. Check that they are registered with building federations and are an established company in the local community.
  • Locksmith – It is oh so easy to lock yourself out of your home and rather than causing damage, a locksmith can gain access without causing any damage. He can also change locks and supply and install home security systems, which make sense in the troubled times we live in. This guy can also access your car if you leave the keys in the ignition (who hasn’t done that?).
  • Local gardener – Let’s face it, keeping the garden looking good is almost a full-time job, which is why property owners prefer to use a local garden maintenance outfit. They can visit weekly, fortnightly or monthly and they remove all green waste, which is a major headache removed.
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Managing a family home is much easier when you use local providers and we hope that the above tips help you to keep everything working smoothly and should you ever need a tradesperson, Google is your best friend.

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