Are IQ Tests Still a Valid Measure of Intelligence

Since time immemorial, IQ tests have been used to assess intelligence and other cognitive skills. They were considered to be able to evaluate a man’s ability.

But as society changes and we learn more about intelligence, the question arises: are IQ tests still relevant?

This post will consider what IQ tests actually do enable us to understand, what has been said against this and whether there is a new way for people to consider intellectual ability.

Let’s get into it.

What do IQ Tests Measure?

IQ tests compare you with other standardized subjects.

They put into practice the various mental abilities that one is supposed to possess, among them being logical ability, problem-solving ability, memory and ability to recognize patterns. 

The idea is to get a picture of your overall brain function. The scores are computed in terms of how much or how well you are above or below the total population. 

For example, an average score is 100; the majority of people have results that range between 85 and 115.

These measure various areas of intelligence, such as verbal and numeric skills, visual thinking and the capacity to move data from short-term to working memory.

IQ tests have been applied for differential educational placement, or to determine the capacity of a child to learn when there are signs of a disability.

They do not assess emotional intelligence, creativity, and social skills. These aspects are known to be part of intelligence.

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Well – does it mean that intelligence quotient tests tell us the whole capacity of a human being?

Why IQ Tests Are Problematic

Yet, IQ tests, which are probably the most popular diagnostic tools nowadays, have been subject to sharp critics’ attacks for years. 

One of them is that they can be culturally sensitive.

Some of these Intelligence Quotient tests are developed out of cultural norms: language, values and experiences from a certain culture, more often – western culture.

This dictates that people of other calibre or background stand a raw deal and furthermore, they do not have any chances of getting the results that they are capable of producing.

A problem is that IQ tests concentrate only on a few types of intelligence – logic and math – and leave others out.

For instance, aptitudes such as emotional intelligence and creativity and social skills are not included in intelligence quotient tests, even though they are deemed relevant in life.

They give a number based on a person’s performance at one point in time and don’t capture the whole range of intelligence or personal development.

Critics say intelligence is dynamic and multi faceted – and a single test can’t measure a person’s full potential or worth.

New Ways to Measure Intelligence

As we advance in our understanding of intelligence, it becomes clear that what is measured by standard intelligence tests is only a fraction of the whole story.

Most professionals now believe that intelligence is much more than having the ability to solve problems or to do mathematics. 

New forms are being sought to quantify more of human capability.

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Emotional and Social Intelligence

One of the most popular alternatives is emotional intelligence (EQ), which is the ability to recognize, understand and manage emotions in yourself and others.

Unlike IQ, EQ is not fixed and can be developed over time.

Research shows people with high EQ have better relationships, communication skills and overall well-being. So success in life is not just about logical problem-solving skills.

Technology in Intelligence Testing

Thanks to the development of online platforms, intelligence tests have become more diverse and popular.

AI and machine learning are being applied to more accurately, more intimately, and more dynamically evaluate cognitive skills. 

These new methods of classification recognize that everyone is unique, providing more accurate indicators of human intelligence and a broader understanding of a person’s potential.

Here’s the catch though: the longer we spend online, the more privacy and security become a potential issue.

That’s why it’s so important to use things like an iOS VPN to protect your data while you take online tests, so that your knowledge is tested – but safely.

After all, you wouldn’t want strangers or criminals having access to this information, would you?


While the assessment of intelligence has been a practice for quite a long time, IQ tests that are available to this date are not without their deficiencies. 

They assess some aspects of cognition but exclude others, such as affective intelligence and idea-originality.

As more is discovered about intelligence, there are new approaches that are used to capture the whole realm of human capability.

The future is already here: from intrinsic characteristics of personality, such as emotional intelligence, to short online tests designed for everyone.

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