3 Ways RoutePerfect Can Make Your Travel Plans More Sustainable

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Meta desc: In our modern world, we’re all trying to do our bit for climate change. Read on to discover how this powerful AI tool can help make your vacation sustainable!

Finding the best ways to travel the world can be tricky for a number of reasons. First and foremost, travel can be expensive, complex, and just difficult! However, with climate change becoming more and more pressing in our world, a lot of people want to find a way to live their dream lives without compromising. Therefore, one might ask what the best way to travel is, while being sustainable.

Well, powerful online tools like RoutePerfect can help you to make each moment of your trip as sustainable as possible, so let’s talk about the best ways to make that happen!

Route Efficiency

RoutePerfect is, first and foremost, a wonderfully powerful software that allows you to plan the best road trips in the world. This includes a whole suite of features to ensure your travel time is spectacular, including planning out the most efficient route for you to take.

This can be a great way to reduce your emissions over time as you travel, particularly since cars, bikes, and other forms of transport are the biggest source of emissions during travel for most people. On your road trip, you can specifically toggle a switch to ask RoutePerfect to select the most efficient routes between points on the map.

This feature was primarily designed to ensure that you spend as little of your road trip time in the car as possible, instead being able to get out and explore the world that you’re journeying through.

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However, the feature also allows you to use fuel as economically as possible, particularly over long stretches of driving. You can deliberately limit acceleration and engage in other tricks to maintain a low fuel consumption rate.

Avoiding Plane Travel

Flying on a plane is one of the most emission-heavy forms of transport that people take in our modern world, and one flight per year can be responsible for more emissions from one person than any other activity. It might help to consider it this way: larger cars generate more emissions because they have larger, more powerful engines. Planes do this, too, because not only do they have an engine a hundred times larger than a car’s engine, they have two identical ones!

Therefore, to make a trip as sustainable as possible, you might choose to avoid flying wherever possible. Of course, this is easier said than done and may mean that you must take a little more time travelling or take a slightly longer route. However, one might argue that this is a small price to pay to cut out such a huge source of emissions for your vacation.

Furthermore, with ongoing developments and innovations in the world of public transport, you may find that a train or similar journey is actually cheaper overall than a flight and possibly even more enjoyable. That’s often considered to be the main trade-off with train and plane travel: trains do take longer, but you get to see more of the world as you pass through it.

Select Sustainable Activities

As well as generating efficient and engaging routes for you to take during your trip, RoutePerfect also provides you with the opportunity to interact with different amazing activities. While you’re selecting from these activities, it may be a great idea for you to break things down a little and select only the activities that you consider to be particularly sustainable.

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For instance, RoutePerfect might offer you the choice between a tour of a modern, lively city or time spent in a national park, appreciating nature. While both of these options would surely be fun, opting for the time in the national park is perhaps a better way to ensure that you see a little more of the natural world. While there, you may learn about some key ways that people can help with challenges that are facing the park you’re visiting, such as local charities you may donate to or events that you could volunteer for.

While different cities will have different levels of access to these ideally sustainable activities, you may find more of them than you would expect. Take a little time to use RoutePerfect’s huge database of wonderful activities, and you can track down sustainable choices that are fun and good for the world around you!

Finding a sustainable choice on vacation can be tough, but it doesn’t have to be! Use RoutePerfect’s complex and powerful set of skills to have an amazing and sustainable time on your vacation.

Source: Baddie Hub

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