A lot of people depend on medicines in their treatment plans without paying attention to their emotional well-being. However,the latest research has proved that positive thinking may become a better remedy than any other pill. The main advantage of positive thinking in comparison to traditional treatments is their primary focus.

By judging experts’ https://cerebrumiq.com/reviews, most doctors apply their IQ instead of intuition. On the one hand, it is great to use knowledge. On the other hand, not all diseases can be treated with a pill if the psychological well-being of a patient is unstable.

Cerebrum IQ Review of the Healing Effects of Positive Thinking in Different Diseases


The Science of Positive Thinking and Health

Mental conditions like optimism, hopefulness, and gratitude are closely associated with positive thinking. A series of studies has demonstrated that the mental states can exert a direct and material influence on the body. How exactly does positive thinking affect our health? There are different ways, but the most significant are:

  • lowering stress hormones
  • raising immune responses
  • modifying behaviour toward a healthier regime for living

Psychoneuroimmunology has proved that mental health has a direct bearing on physical wellness. High levels of optimism tend to lower cortisol (one stress hormone), subdue inflammation, and improve cardiovascular health. This makes the body better able to heal itself.

The Placebo Effect

The placebo effect provides classic evidence that the sense of expectation can play an important role in producing real and physical effects. While clinical trials conducted by large pharmaceutical companies or NCCAM-funded studies recorded an average 35% improvement rate across symptoms overall, subgroups who received a placebo (sugar pill, for example) improved even more than those who took an active substance. This effect reveals the unity of mind and body, pointing out that a good attitude can release the brain’s own medicine for self-healing.

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Positive Thinking for Cardiovascular Disease

Hope can help prevent heart disease and improve the prospects of recovering following open-heart surgery for a myocardial infarction or other heart condition, based on findings from similar studies. In a 2019 study published in JAMA Network Open, it was found that people who were more optimistic had an almost 35% lower risk of having certain serious cardiovascular events. Given the risks associated with heart disease and the fact that healthy habits can help lay some of them to rest, optimistic patients are more likely than their low-mood cousins to jog a mile or two, eat sensibly, or give up smoking. And all of these healthy habits improve heart health.

Positive Thinking and Cancer

Although positive thinking can not cure cancer, it has an important effect on the quality of patients’ life and the course of their disease. Studies have indicated that people who think positively are more likely than their negative counterparts to follow treatment plans and cope with their emotional fatigue. Unlike patients who do believe that they will die, patients in good spirits who hold a belief that recovery will come have faster recoveries.

Positive Thinking and Diabetes

Patients with diabetes benefit greatly from positive thinking. Poor control of glucose, due to stress and negativity, makes diabetes symptoms more severe.By contrast, optimism has also been positively linked with good blood sugar management. By contrast, optimism has also been positively linked with good blood sugar management. Happy people are less like to become insulin-dependant because:

  • They do not cope with stress with the help of food
  • They value life and do everything possible to become healthier
  • They care for their feelings and, this way, prevent abrupt blood sugar rises and falls
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The reason is that people do not concentrate on problems, avoid stress, and even refuse their symptoms. As a result, they can handle the disease at an early stage.

Positive Thinking and Pain Control

The impact of psychological factors has a significant influence on chronic pain conditions. It has been shown that patients who integrate mindfulness and visualization into their positive thinking techniques actually decrease the levels of pain. Moreover, optimistic patients tolerate pain better than depressive patients. Due to that, men were allowed to be present while women gave birth to a child. Their support and positive emotions let women feel less stressed and less in pain.

How to Think Positively?

So, positive thinking is beneficial, and one should learn how to obtain it. These are some techniques to follow.

  1. Jot down positive thoughts, especially about things you are thankful for.
  2. Repeat positive statements regularly.
  3. Practice mindfulness and meditation.
  4. Find someone who can support you.
  5. Set realistic goals to avoid failures.

You can think of doing hobbies and things you like to feel better.


The healing power of positive thinking goes well beyond mere mental health. Starting from heart disease and ending with cancer,it helps to manage most health problems and disorders faster. By reducing stress, improving immune function and encouraging healthy conduct, having a positive frame of mind can be an important adjunct to treatment for many diseases.

Source: Baddie hub

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