If you are trying to get all the brooms in Hogwarts Legacy, you may have encountered the problem that Arn’s shop does not appear, so we explain what you need to know so that you can unlock it.

Secondary mission: Where will my cars be?

To unlock Arn’s store it is necessary to complete the side quest called “Where will my cars be?” It is very simple, and you can do it in the first hours of playing. This is a mission with a very low recommended level (level 2) that we can start in Lower Hogsfield, talking to Arn, a goblin in the southern part of the place.

unlock Arn Hogwarts Legacy storeunlock Arn Hogwarts Legacy store

We will simply talk to Arn, he will tell us the problems he is having and we will help him with it. We will have to go to a camp that the mission itself marks for us, southwest of Hogsfield Bajo, and after defeating the enemies in the place, we will only have to free some cars to complete the mission.

unlock Arn Hogwarts Legacy storeunlock Arn Hogwarts Legacy store


This mission will give us experience and as a reward we will get a elf-made helm appearance. And, furthermore, we will enable a mobile store where we can get one of the 13 brooms available in Hogwarts Legacy.

By recovering Arn’s carts, he will open a traveling store that we can find near the bridge south of Lower Hogfield. And why might we be interested in this store? Because it is the only one who will sell us the Silver Arrow Broom.

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