“She’s the winner”, Keiona gives her clear opinion on the new season of “Drag Race France”

It was in August 2023. After several weeks of fierce competition, Keiona won the second edition of Drag Race France on the stage of the Grand Rex, in front of a tranced audience. A more than deserved victory for the drag queen who had been the favorite since the start of the adventure. A complete artist, proud representative of the ballroom scene, the drag queen did not suffer from comparison with the iconic Paloma, winner of the first season.

Particularly appreciated, Keiona once again stood out in another competition a few months later since she was part of the celebrity cast of the thirteenth season of Dance the stars which ended this Friday April 26 with the victory of Natasha St-Pier against Nico Capone and her great rival Inès Reg.

Keiona: “That’s a direct crowned head”

That day, Keiona paid a little visit to Nicky Doll, the famous presenter of Drag Race France. In a video posted jointly on the Instagram account of the Attention interpreter and that of the show, the winner of the second season gave his opinion on the casting of the third edition.

And among the candidates, several already have the makings of a winner according to Keiona. “For sure, she’s the winner,” declared the partner of Maxime Dereymez in front of the photo from one of the new queens that Nicky Doll showed him. But seeing a second image, the winner of the second season once again expressed her enthusiasm: “No, that’s a direct crowned head. Queen ! “.

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An impossible choice

In front of the photo of the third candidate, Keiona was once again exalted: “No, she’s the winner.” Seeing that she couldn’t decide, Nicky Doll then underlined the requirement of the casting of this new edition : “They all have charisma, originality, audacity and talent. That’s why they’re in season 3. I need you to help me pick the next winner.”

But nothing helps, Keiona does not want to make this difficult choiceas she confides to the presenter: “But it’s your job to choose the next Queen of French drag. I can’t, I give up. They all won! ». So, who will succeed Keiona and become the next big star of French drag? Answer in a few weeks on France 2!

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