This thirteenth installment of “Dancing with the Stars” leaves traces in the memory of viewers. And for good reason, more than ever, controversies have wreaked havoc behind the scenes. The height of horror,Anthony Colette’s health is deteriorating. For the first (and probably) last time, her friend Caroline Margeridon will provide some explanation. Hang on, we are entering a zone of turbulence!

The double punishment of Anthony Colette

When our colleagues from “Parisien” reveal the conflict between Natasha St-Pier and Inès Reg, there is astonishment. Forced to intervene, those affected tell their versions of the facts on social networks. Since then, the gap widens between the two choreographers Anthony Colette and Christophe Licata.

From then on, the production of “Dancing with the Stars” clumsily attempted to ease tensions. Eliminated during the first live broadcasts, Caroline Margeridon don’t hide your crush for the couple Natasha St-Pier and Anthony Colette. On her Instagram account, she multiplies the stories to support these darlings.

Unable to speak or walk after the verdict, Anthony Colette’s pain does not let him savor his victory. This is why, with our friends at “Parisien”, Caroline Margeridon sets the record straight with the winners’ detractors.

She persists and signs. The tears of his friend Anthony Colette come from a double “ overwork. Firstly, “the emotion of having won” Next “through suffering” physical accumulated for weeks.

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“His back was in pieces and he was screaming in pain (…) Anthony Colette took t tons of painkillers. Even to climb a step yesterday, he had a lot of pain. » Forever grateful for the support of “public and all the dancers”, he will soon get back on track. That’s all we wish for him !

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