Pierre Poilievre stands during question period in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Monday, April 29, 2024.

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre

Photo: The U.S. Press / Sean Kilpatrick

Pierre Poilievre on Monday sidestepped a Liberal question asked in the House of Commons explicitly inviting him to condemn “supporters of white supremacy, anarchy and misogyny.” It’s “petty politics,” they retort in the conservative leader’s camp.

black face“,”text”:”I unequivocally disavow the guy who spent the first half of his adult life as a practicing racist, dressing up in black face”}}”>I unequivocally disavow the guy who spent the first half of his adult life as a practicing racist, disguising himself as black faceinstead responded Mr. Poilievre, targeting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

His deputies then applauded him wildly and shouted so loudly that his words were inaudible. He went on to falsely assert that Mr. Trudeau accepted support from Hamas.

The Liberals have been emphasizing in broad strokes for several days that the symbol of the anti-government and far-right group Diagolon is drawn on the door of a trailer that Mr. Poilievre visited while going to encourage demonstrators against carbon pricing who installed a camp on the side of a highway on the border of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

In another video of the visit to this event that looks like Freedom Convoy where the flags of Canada and F…Trudeauthe Conservative leader says about the Prime Minister that bullshit, from start to finish”,”text”:”everything he says is bullshit, from start to finish”}}”>everything he says is nonsense bullshitfrom beginning to end. He also announces a great canadian tax revolt.

The Liberals also note that Mr. Poilievre does not disavow the support he received at the beginning of the month from notorious American conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who denies a massacre perpetrated in a school and which Mr. Trudeau describes asjunk.

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It was the government House leader, Steven MacKinnon, who took up the torch on Monday, this time in the Commons. seconds to address this House and Canadians once I sit down. I ask him to clearly disavow the opinions of these dangerous people. Will he do that?”,”text”:”The Leader of the Opposition now has 30 seconds to address this House and Canadians once I sit down. I ask him to clearly disavow the opinions of these dangerous people. Will he do that?”}}”>The Leader of the Opposition now has 30 seconds to address this House and Canadians once I take my seat. I ask him to clearly disavow the opinions of these dangerous people. Will he do that? he sent.

And faced with the comment that Mr. Poilievre had just made to him, Mr. MacKinnon said that it shows the real face from the Conservative leader.

He speaks without conviction and without clarity on an issue that should be very, very, very simple for him, he declared to the cries of conservatives. His silence speaks volumes. This is not leadership. This is political cowardice.

Small politics

Shortly after question period, Conservative Deputy House Leader Luc Berthold was asked in a press scrum if he was embarrassed that his leader was not condemning white supremacists and anarchists. .

Today, we saw the Liberals try to change the subject. We are currently facing an extremely serious situation, what is happening in British Columbia.he began to answer before being interrupted to clarify the connection with the very specific question about white supremacy.

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Berthold. And my answer is that today I am focusing particularly on the very serious situation that is currently unfolding, on the fact that the government should concentrate on saving lives rather than playing petty politics as it did so today in the House of Commons.”,”text”:”Precisely, there is none, added Mr. Berthold. And my answer is that today I am focusing particularly on the very serious situation that is currently unfolding, on the fact that the government should concentrate on saving lives rather than playing petty politics as it did so today in the House of Commons.”}}”>Quite precisely, there is none, added Mr. Berthold. And my answer is that today I am particularly focused on the very serious situation that is unfolding, on the fact that the government should seek to save lives rather than play petty politics as it does. made today in the House of Commons.

According to the explanation from the Conservative leader’s office, Mr. Poilievre decided to make a brief impromptu stop noticing a demonstration against carbon pricing on his way while traveling between two events in the Maritimes.

As for Alex Jones’ support, his spokesperson Marion Ringuette indicated that unlike Justin Trudeauconservatives neither follow nor listen to this individualbut instead strive to win the support of Canadians.

Read also :

  • Carbon tax: sorting out fact from fiction
  • Carbon tax: Trudeau must sit down with the provinces, says Poilievre
  • A close advisor to Pierre Poilievre is the subject of a request for investigation

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