In January 2021 I was able to collect what would be my first trial for salary adjustment, after litigating for 10 years and enduring thousands of appeals and ordinary and extraordinary resources from ANSeS. On that occasion, 3 years ago, that organization made an incorrect calculation of my initial salary, which caused me to receive a lower remuneration today, by 20% than what corresponds to me. In addition, I am going for the third trial and the second request for embargo, claiming what is my right, because the ANSeS authorities do not abide by the Chamber’s final rulings, having been ordered to comply.

In this last claim, for the 20% not collected, a few days ago, ANSeS appealed again the settlement with a final ruling, to which the judge responded that he was appealing what was unappealable, literal words, an attitude that was extremely reprehensible, because the ineptitude or ignorance, I discard them. The authorities change, but the evil continues and we retirees continue to be harmed by the Legal Directorate of the Agency that puts a spanner in the works for the trials that they themselves force us to initiate. Who can give me an answer?

Beatriz Pérez / [email protected]

Voices, complaints and waits of retirees

After reading the note “A scary reality”, published on May 6, I decided to write the following.

I am retired and I liked horror movies, I also went many times with my daughters to Italpark, with the excuse that they liked the ghost train. Now I am retired and the ghost train lives in my life, the scares are daily when I go shopping and do the medicine. I can’t give any more, it’s not enough and the scythe getting closer and closer scares me a lot. Retired life is very complicated, and living happily is very difficult.

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Arturo Neuberger / [email protected]

The Government adjusted the retirees in March 2024 with the deceitful Mobility Law according to the data for the quarter from October to December 2023. The worker unions from September 2023 to today obtained a recomposition of over 100%. For starting salaries in truck drivers it was 142.36% ($506,954 / $209,174) and trade 164.21% ($705,594 / $267,060). Good for them.

Inflation according to INDEC from October to April has been 152.77% and for retirees, the State granted us a modest 117.24% until May. (December 20.8%, March 27.18%, April 13.2%+12.5% ​​and May 11%). Which is obvious because no one defends us, even though we are 7 million Argentines who work (and contribute) all our lives.

The basic basket for retirees in March, according to the Ombudsman for the Elderly, was $685,041, almost an insult to the dignity of those who earn less. Nor do the unions and their active workers defend us, even though they are already part of the Argentine pension system with their contributions and should aim for a future without hardships in their old age and with the economic recognition that we lack today.

Matías Aníbal Rossi / [email protected]

As a result of the Government’s intention to reinstate the Income Tax for the fourth category, workers in a dependency relationship, both politicians and journalists are tearing themselves apart because the Personal Property Tax is much more unfair. That they charge a tax on what one saved during their working life, after having paid Income Tax during that period on the income that allowed the savings, sounds delusional. I am retired, I contributed to the ANSeS for 52 years, I paid Profits for more than 30 years and I saved enough to spend a retirement without hardships.

Today I find myself once again punished by a Government because it does not update pensions accordingly, they continue to collect Personal Assets despite their injustice.

Alfredo Tolchinsky / [email protected]

In truth, for decades our political leadership has faced an inflationary process that eats up our income and consequently impoverishes us; Since they do not know, cannot, or do not want to take the correct economic measures, they manipulate the funds provided that are supposed to be for retirees, and they do so in an absolutely irresponsible manner. The State seems to ignore that the contributions are private amounts of the contributors, which are deducted from their assets for at least 30 years of activity, or more, as is still happening with active workers: future retirees.

We retirees depend on the “good will” of the Government of the day, which is ultimately who decides our salary readjustment, but said readjustment, in addition to being late, is insufficient. And this was always the case, with all governments, surely aggravated during the 4 years of the last government, and multiplied in the last months of December 2023, with the devaluation and liberalization of prices, triggering inflation to 25%, and in January 2024 at an average 20%, which is why the retirement salary has already had a loss of 45% of its purchasing power in these two months, a policy of salary flattening that particularly affects “contributing retirees”, who earn a few pesos more than the “minimum retirees”.

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We retirees contribute for 30 years, or more, the fruit of our work, month by month, to the retirement system, and without asking anything from the State, it is therefore appropriate to end this plundering attitude towards those who work or produce, and decide to present a reparation plan that supplements assets until they recover the value they should have according to the duly updated average contributions.

Raúl Mario Ermoli Galluppi / [email protected]

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