In the month of Recycling, World Recycling Day, which is celebrated every May 17, represents the opportunity for the entire agribusiness to value the collaborative work of this broad productive chain to recover empty containers of phytosanitary products, within the framework of a new paradigm of circular economy.

In the unique system established in Argentina, 3 out of every 4 kilos of recovered plastic are recycled and allows the raw material of packaging to be revalued for safe uses. They are thus granted a second chance as inputs for safe and permitted elements.

More than half become fiber optic tritube; 1 20 kilo drum, after undergoing the recycling process, is equivalent to 1 meter of tritube. Likewise, another part of the treated plastic returns to the production circuit in poles, fratachos, and other destinations permitted by provincial regulations.

The CampoLimpio organization has the adhesion of more than 100 input companies, which represent more than 90% of the volume of containers that circulate in the Argentine market, in a commitment of shared responsibility to achieve sustainable production.

“That waste is managed within the framework of the system means that its plastic will be valued and will not end in misuse, something that happens when packaging enters informal circuits,” highlighted Juan Manuel Medina, manager of Institutional Relations and Communication at CampoLimpio.

The process that CampoLimpio articulates consists of a series of stageswhose culmination is the revaluation of plastic in phytosanitary containers used in the Argentine countryside.

Empty phytosanitary containers in a CampoLimpio warehouse.Empty phytosanitary containers in a CampoLimpio warehouse.

All starts with the producerwhich delivers its clean containers, using the triple washing or pressure washing technique, to one of the more than 80 Temporary Storage Centers installed in various provinces, or during the collection days that take place throughout the country.

Triple washing, or pressure washing, is a fundamental preliminary stepsince it is what guarantees the elimination of any remains of the product that may remain in the packaging and, in this way, allows plastic to be safely recycled.

Every time the producer delivers packaging to CampoLimpio, he is given a certificate which attests to the subsequent use of said plastic in authorized uses, which They do not affect the environment or people’s health, as established by Law 27,279.

Upon receipt, the containers are sent to operators provincially authorized by the provinces who in turn channel the recovered material to destinations authorized by the regulations.

The great challenge is to continue spreading a “young system” (launched in 2019), through awareness and trainingso that the actors who have not yet done so join and that those who do so deliver their clean containers, which will result in more revalued plastic.

III International Conference on the Law of Empty Phytosanitary Containers

The activity, in person and with free registration, will take place on June 13, from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., at the Metropolitan Convention Center of Rosario, Santa Fe.

The International Conference will offer a privileged space to discuss the management of empty phytosanitary containers in Argentina. Authorities, representatives of the sector, specialists and consular members will meet to analyze experiences, successful cases and challenges, emphasizing the new paradigms of sustainable production and the bioeconomy.

In addition, the conversations will focus attention on one of the fundamental aspects of Law 27,279, which makes it pioneering and unique in the country: the extended responsibility established by the regulations with respect to all those who participate in the chain, which promotes synergies and public-private work that articulates the CampoLimpio system.

Precisely, the motto of the conference is we all make a clean field: a shared responsibility, which represents a comprehensive approach of the challenge referred to reducing the impact of empty phytosanitary containers on the environment.

The III International Conference will be an integral part of the XXII Congress of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering and the International Fair of Technologies for the Environment -FITMA-, events organized by AIDIS Argentina between June 12 and 14 under the subtitle of “Engineering, Resilience and Circularity”. For three days, this congress will offer a space to address, through tables, conferences and presentation of technical works, a wide range of crucial environmental issues, from water and water resources to green infrastructure, energy transition and decarbonization.

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