Beliefs, faith, hope, imagination and science play a good game when it comes to elucidate themes such as death, the soul and resurrection.
The oldest of books, the Bibletells us about the soul and resurrection, especially in the New Testament which refers the ascent of the soul and the resurrection of Christ.
But in the Old Testament, Genesis 3:19, God warns Adam: “Dust you are, and to dust you shall return.”.
The existential anguish It prevents us from accompanying the moment of death with the same attitude that accompanies a birth. Does nothing precede us and nothing awaits us? Or are we birds of passage, reincarnation of souls that will continue their path after our death? The question would be, beyond a supposed preexistence and transcendence, does the soul exist?
What does science say about the soul and the afterlife?
If we were eternal like the gods we would suffer that condition. Literature has given us characters who cannot die and suffer for itthey would exchange their eternity for earthly pleasures, like the fallen angel of The wings of desire, Wim Wenders’ film about the text of Peter HandkeNobel Prize 2019.
We mortals, on the other hand, suffer our perishable condition, we fear death, nothingness or “the oblivion that we will be” from the poem of Jorge Luis Borges.
But desiring eternal life is not the same as having it. Immortality would not allow us to value every moment of life. And under what conditions would we be eternal? Like Goethe’s Faust, would we sell our soul to the devil in exchange for eternal youth? Some theologians say that the true beauty of the journey is that it has an end..
The fear of death aroused religious beliefs and spiritual hopes, but the Science works to measure and weigh “the soul”to find out where we go after death and what awaits us when we cross the threshold.
The portal The confidential He investigated what science knows about this very human topic: is life on earth the only one we have? And cites a work of the BBC which states that Even atheists have faith in life after death, after the testimonies of those who have been “clinically dead” and claim to have seen a sequence of images of their lives or have heard voices or seen the light at the end of the tunnel. Thinking about eternal life is a palliative for existential anguish.
Assures The confidential that Artificial Intelligence already fights against death working with our avatars (visual identity that represents us in the virtual world), the transhumanism (scientific movement that works with new technologies to eliminate unwanted aspects of the human condition) and cryogenesiswhich Walt Disney made use of at the time.
All waiting to obtain life in another world or in another time. And there are those who claim that a few minutes after death there is a “brain tsunami”As Dr. Valeria Page, from Intensive Care at Watford Hospital in London, assures: the white light at the end of the tunnel is a consequence of blood loss from the optic nerve.
Neuroscience affirms that the brain is the most mysterious organ, the one that allows me to think of a “I” that shapes my existence. The consciousness of the self would be a scientific equivalent of the soulthat which allows us to think of ourselves as something more than a bunch of atoms and molecules.
Some Indian religions, such as Hinduism and Buddhismmaintain that karma is the destiny that man must assume to redeem the soul that incarnated in usand, if we do not achieve it, after our death it will migrate in search of another body in which to incarnate.
Religions think about it spiritually, neuroscientists study what the brain does at the moment of death. And each one adheres to what satisfies his mind and gives peace to his heart.
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